Monday, November 28, 2011

catching up....

Life has been more than busy, so updating the blog has been on the to-do list for quite a while. Here are some last minute Thanksgiving activities we did last month.
Making patterns with confetti leaves...she still doesn't quite get it, but we'll get there soon!

Q-Tip paiting to make a fall tree.


  1. I did something very similar with my kids today. Their arm in brown for the tree and two thumb prints for hearts all over the tree in purple red and pink. We wrote "thumb" body lives you on it.

    1. oh! Too cute! Thanks for the comment! I love the idea of the thumb prints for hearts :) I tried clicking on your profile, but it wouldn't take me to your page...and I didn't see you on my follower list..

  2. I liked how you had the picture of what the word they were recreating is. I do this in my classroom- put out words that go with themes, but they're just copying. This would give them a visual for what the word means. Thanks!
